Out of 231 five-year measurement periods, International Value Fund (CHF) has outperformed the MSCI EAFE Index (Hedged to CHF) 153 times, or 66% of measured periods.
The above chart illustrates the five-year average annual rolling returns (calculated monthly) for the Tweedy, Browne International Value Fund (CHF), net of fees, since October 31, 1996, compared to the five-year average annual rolling returns for its benchmark, the MSCI EAFE Index (Hedged to CHF) (the ‘Index’). The horizontal axis represents the returns for the Index, while the vertical axis represents the returns for the Sub-Fund. The diagonal axis is a line of demarcation separating periods of outperformance from periods of underperformance. Plot points above the diagonal axis are indicative of the Sub-Fund’s relative outperformance, while points below the diagonal axis are indicative of the Sub-Fund’s relative underperformance. Returns were plotted for three distinct equity market environments: a ‘down market’
(benchmark return was less than 0%); a ‘normal market’ (benchmark return was between 0% and 10%); and a ‘robust market’ (benchmark return was greater than 10%). There were 231 average annual rolling return periods between October 31, 1996 and December 31, 2020. Past performance is no guarantee of future returns.
The MSCI EAFE Index is a free float-adjusted market capitalization weighted index that is designed to measure the equity market performance of developed markets, excluding the US and Canada. The MSCI EAFE Index (in CHF) reflects the return of the MSCI EAFE Index for a Swiss franc investor. The MSCI EAFE Index (Hedged to CHF) consists of the results of the MSCI EAFE Index, with its non-CHF exposure 100% hedged back into CHF, and accounts for interest rate differentials in forward currency exchange rates. Index results are inclusive of dividends and net of foreign withholding taxes.
The value of the Sub‐Fund’s shares and the return they generate can go down as well as up. They are affected by market volatility and by fluctuations in exchange rates. Upon redemption of shares in the Sub‐Fund, investors may not receive the full amount invested. Past performance is no indication of future results. Current tax levels and reliefs may change. Depending on individual circumstances, this may affect investment returns. The breakdown into sectors and the individual investment items as well as indicated benchmarks are liable to change at any time in line with the investment policy. For additional information in relation to the risk factors, please carefully read the section “Certain Risk Factors” in the current legal prospectus.
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